Monday 7 April 2014

How Can a Virtual Assistant Help Me with Social Media? by Leslie Rivera

As a business owner or professional, you understand how crucial it is to have a presence on social media platforms. Perhaps you’ve tried having your daughter, cousin, or intern volunteer their time to post a couple of comments every few weeks. Surprise, it’s not getting you the results that you desire. It’s a given that you are too busy working on your business—you know it’s time to outsource. Whether you already have a Virtual Assistant or recognize that you need to hire one, social media is a great service that many of us provide.
How do you set a Virtual Assistant up for success? Keep in mind that relationships take time to develop, so communication is key to setting up the right foundation. Here are a few tips to get your social media up and buzzing:
1.    Find someone with social media training and/or equivalent experience. Ideally, the Virtual Assistant you decide to work with has both training and experience in Social Media. Take time to understand their level of expertise. Are they a Social Media Manager (creates daily content) or Social Media Strategist (oversees global strategy)? Which one do you need? Choose someone who will complement your own skills. Virtual Assistants are varied in expertise and can provide strategy, editorial calendar, regular content, increased following, etc.
2.    Download your current and ongoing social needs. Be clear about the kind of assistance you need and how much time you’re willing to outsource for it. Do you need social profiles created or updated? Do you already have a strong online presence and need someone who will consistently engage with your fans and followers? Do you want to build your following? Do you need help with strategy and already have someone else who can implement it? Then, let your Virtual Assistant go to work.
3.    Communicate your vision, voice, and goals. In order to effectively represent your company online, your Virtual Assistant needs to have a deep understanding of who you are as a business and individual. They are the front lines who will be engaging with your followers, and it’s in your best interest for them to be aligned with you. Equipped with that information, they can be your eyes and ears promoting your business and passing along any must-have comments.
4.    Share important events and launches well in advance. Your Virtual Assistant can be your greatest promoter if you can get important details to them ahead of time. They can schedule teasers for important events or product launches and build up anticipation for your fans. They can make your followers feel like insiders by given them the inside scoop before offering them to the greater public. By sending your Virtual Assistant key dates, they can plug them into their editorial calendars and publicize publicize publicize.
5.    Express expectations and provide early feedback. Great, say you’ve completed the first 4 steps successfully – but you’re not off the hook yet! I know, it takes time getting your social media set up correctly, but it will be worth it to spend the time upfront. Make sure that you express your expectations ahead of time e.g. specific posts to include, number of daily posts, etc. Check in on your social profiles and provide feedback early on. This allows you to understand if your Virtual Assistant is on the right track or needs some course correction. Remember that they represent you, and it’s in your best interest to see that they are doing it superbly.

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